The Increase in popularity of using Images over Text

02-10-2014 12:00:24

The importance of an image has been overlooked in recent years when it comes to business but now things are changing thanks to Social Media and search engines. People are now connecting with images more than ever through the likes of Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter and customers are now making decisions based on images rather than text.

This means that businesses and brands can now improve the way they are perceived by using images, cutting out the need for pointless, boring text.

Visual Content used by businesses in social media has increased ten-fold and this is down to the fact that it is easier to use an image rather than create text. Images are easy to share thanks to technology and the way that everyone is always connected. Images can be more suggestive and persuasive than text. The facts and figures are there to see and over 60% of consumers are more willing to use a business that has an image in the local search results. This is why visual content is important.

However, businesses do not just need an image as a visual, of course there are infographics and videos that can all work in the same ways. Depending on the business and the budget it is possible for these videos and infographics to be created cheaply but some may need a professional to create. However, a visual regardless of its cost is still likely to be effective.

When it comes to creating any kind of visual content it has to be powerful. This means that it has to be direct and showcase exactly what the business or brand is all about whilst also grasping the attention and interests of the customer. It does not have to take much work to make your visual a success, just a bit of knowledge and understanding will work wonders.

With the visual content created it is now time to share it and get it out there working for the business. Creating it is only a small part of the process and now the audience need to know that it is out there. The world is now a small place, and social media allows content to be distributed to every corner of the earth in an instant. Use social media to not only get it out there but encourage people to discuss it and pass it on. Apps such as Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat have a massive influence on the success of a visual and how it engages with the world.

Whilst using a visual can be an integral part of any success, there are rules to follow. Any images that are not solely belonging to the business have to have permission, if any rules are broken this could have serious implications when it comes to the success of the brand.

Now is the time to really capitalise on the impact visual content has on success. Images and videos are now more influential than ever before and as the target audience use social media more than ever before it has never been so easy to grab the interest of the audience with a single image or video.

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