The Internet of Everything

12-03-2014 07:49:23

Imagine a world where everything that was of use to you was connected to the internet. It sounds fairly normal in today’s world however, there is talk that this technology could become part of the furniture in our day to day lives. The only thing stopping this technology from being implemented is the advertisers trying to work out how it will work for them and how to incorporate it into products and lives.

The idea is that everything is connected, from your Fridge, to your car to your home heating system the idea is that they all work together effortlessly to make life that little bit easier and more economical. The idea is that one day as you leave work your Fridge will determine that you are running low on milk so your car will communicate this to you so that you can stop off at the shop. Sounds easier than getting home and then realising you have no milk, however why can’t consumers just have extra milk stored in their fridge? This is where the marketing is difficult as they are already trying to find out how this technology can fit in.

Is this technology trying to fix something that isn’t broken? People have had to buy extra milk for years and have managed just fine so it is just effectively making life unnecessarily easier. Today, everything is getting smarter and that is the way of the world. Brands want to capitalise on this and want to make their products a part of people’s lives, it’s all about simplicity and having the things that you need to hand instantly without having to think. Where do these companies draw the line? Some car insurance companies already use this form of technology to keep a track of driver data which in turn can really have an effect on their premiums. The downside to this technology is that people will lose part of their freedom and part of choice, what if health insurers monitored what you ate or if a certain brand made themselves the sole brand for a certain product, so you could only use a certain washing powder in your washing machine? It sounds like it could be a bad idea, however, on the flip side it could mean that brands have to fight for your custom, so when your washing powder runs low brands can offer vouchers and discounts so it does have some positives.

Having everything connected in this way will completely change the marketing world. There are data issues involved and the fact that consumers may still want to have choice and freedom to purchase what they want, when they want can have a large part to play. This kind of technology may over complicate situations which completely defeats the object, however this technology is still some way off but then it may not happen at all but if it does then the world of consumers will become a totally different place.

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